Vocabulario y Gramática en Inglés: Desde Turismo hasta el Futuro

Vocabulario en Inglés: Turismo y Tecnología

Turismo y Experiencias

  • Soaked up the atmosphere: Empaparse del ambiente. Ejemplo: “Last year you soaked up the atmosphere in Rome” (El año pasado te empapaste del ambiente de Roma).
  • Wander around: Deambular, pasear. Ejemplo: “Take time to wander around your own city” (Tómate el tiempo para pasear por tu propia ciudad).
  • Discover its tourist attractions: Descubrir sus atractivos turísticos.
  • Visiting popular resorts: Visitar complejos turísticos populares. Sigue leyendo

Mastering English Verb Tenses and Modal Verbs: A Comprehensive Overview

Past Simple


Verb + -ed / irregular verbs


  1. A completed action in the past
    • They developed this device last year.
    • I didn’t go online yesterday.
    • Did she buy that tablet last week?
  2. Consecutive actions
    • He turned on the computer and went online.

Time Expressions

Yesterday, last week / year, two days ago, in 2004, in the 15th century, when, then

Past Continuous


Was / Were + verb + -ing


  1. An action in progress in the past
    • At midnight, I was watching a video.
  2. An action in progress interrupted by another action

Mastering English Past Tenses: Simple, Continuous, and Perfect

Past Simple


I / he / she / it / we / you / they



I / he / she / it / we / you / they





I / he / she / it / we / you / they



Affirmative: The past simple of regular verbs is formed by adding -ed to the infinitive of the verb (without to). The verb form is the same for all persons.

Example: to complain – I complained – he complained

Spelling rules for the formation of the past simple (regular verbs):

  1. If the verb ends in -e, add -d.

Examples: notice Sigue leyendo