Exámenes de Inglés: Respuestas y Análisis (2019-2022)


Opción A: China Sets Rules for Young Gamers

Ejercicio 1

a) TRUE: “The Chinese government…
b) FALSE: “The rules were…”

Ejercicio 2

a) Younger gamers will have to identify themselves by giving their name and ID number.
b) Children may use games only for a few hours a day (less during the week than on weekends) and never at night; they cannot spend a lot of money on virtual gadgets.

Ejercicio 3

a) poor b) permitted c) meant d) worried

Ejercicio 4

a) played more
b) was not invented by whom
c) as Sigue leyendo

Guía completa de tiempos verbales en inglés

Present simple

Forma afirmativa: I/you go, he/she/it goes

Forma negativa: I/you don’t go, he/she/it doesn’t go

Forma interrogativa: Do you go?, Does he/she/it go?


  • Hábitos o rutinas: Janet often goes to the library.
  • Hechos generales o científicos: Research shows that people have different types of intelligence.
  • Verbos estáticos: This cake tastes wonderful.
  • Expresiones de tiempo y adverbios de frecuencia: always, usually, occasionally, frequently, often, sometimes, rarely, seldom, never, once a month, Sigue leyendo

Guía completa de los tiempos verbales y la gramática inglesa

Verbo “To Be”

El verbo “to be” significa “ser” o “estar” y se usa para describir existencia, identidad o estado.

Verbo “To Be” conjugado en presente simple

  • I am
  • You are
  • He/She/It is
  • We are
  • You are
  • They are

Verbo “To Be” en pasado

  • I was
  • You were
  • He/She/It was
  • We were
  • You were
  • They were

Presente Simple

La estructura del presente simple en inglés se compone de:


  • Sujeto + verbo en presente (agregando ‘s’ o ‘es’ en tercera persona singular).
  • Ejemplo: She works at a bank.


Conditional Sentences and Vocabulary in English

Zero Conditional (Present Simple – Present Simple)

– Uso: Se utiliza para expresar situaciones generales, hechos científicos o verdades universales.

– Ejemplo: If you heat water, it boils. (Si calientas agua, hierve.)

– Estructura: If + Present Simple, Present Simple

First Conditional (Present Simple – Will)

– Uso: Se utiliza para hablar sobre situaciones futuras posibles que dependen de una condición en el presente.

– Ejemplo: If it rains tomorrow, I will stay indoors. (Si llueve mañana, Sigue leyendo

Antecedentes y características del Romanticismo y Realismo

1. Alex has flair / Otile gifted / I’m not hugely / My father hopeless /

I was bright / We all a gift / I have a poor / My brother prodigy / Matt naturally / All the extremely.

2. If someone counts / Should we hold / Can we second / I thought much / Sorry lost / I’ll give / Could train / There are schools.

3. As a teenager, being told / Do you was given to me by / I had was being watched / We were ought to have been informed / Their latest is regarded / The findings need to be checked / Research Sigue leyendo

3) Sócrates


El paso de la physis al nomos

La filosofía presocrática finaliza con un cambio en el objeto de estudio de los filósofos: si los presocráticos estudian las leyes de la naturaleza (physis) ahora la nueva filosofía se dedicará al estudio de las leyes sociales (nomos). Este nuevo planteamiento coincide con un desplazamiento geográfico de la filosofía desde las colonias periféricas hacia la Grecia clásica, concretamente hacia Atenas. Si ahora los filósofos se preocupan por comprender Sigue leyendo